
Launching the Center

27 May 2024

The Munich International Stone Center for Inequality Research (ISI) is being founded at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU). The James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Foundation is funding the launch with a donation of five million dollars.

New Research Center on Social Inequality founded at LMU

The Munich International Stone Center for Inequality Research (ISI) will be launched at LMU Munich. A donation of five million dollars from the James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Foundation is funding the establishment of ISI. The center will conduct research into social inequality, with a particular focus on wealth inequality. “We’re delighted about the establishment at LMU of this new interdisciplinary research center on such an important social topic and thank the Stone Foundation for the generous donation for the founding of ISI,” says LMU President Bernd Huber.

As part of its mission, the Munich International Stone Center for Inequality Research will build up an international and interdisciplinary research network. “Social inequality, particularly in wealth, is one of the greatest social challenges of our time. At the moment, affluence seems to know no bounds. When it comes to developing solutions for socioeconomic inequality and extreme wealth inequality, research requires an international orientation and needs to consider new social models and political measures,” says Fabian Pfeffer, Chair of Social Inequality and Social Structures at LMU and founding director of ISI.

Dynamics of social inequality

The researchers at ISI will work with various empirical data – such as tax data – to capture and compare the wealth and income distribution and their development at the individual level. In addition, they will investigate institutions and political approaches worldwide that are capable of mitigating inequality and strengthening democracy. Another goal is to investigate the dynamics of wealth inequality across generations and to develop approaches for a fairer way of living together.

ISI is part of a group of research centers worldwide that are backed by the Stone Foundation and are devoted to researching socioeconomic inequality. “We’re glad to support ISI in the important task of advancing international research into wealth inequality. By assembling a global community of researchers on the topic of wealth inequality, the center will help make our world a better place,” says Jim Stone.

The Stone Foundation

The James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Foundation is dedicated to fostering a more inclusive society, with a particular focus on environmental sustainability and reducing wealth gaps.